I launched SVMMIT a year ago now with the release of the 8 track EP "Digital Sunset". At the time I felt really amazing about my music and my life in general. Now looking back at the short time since I've started this project, it seems like it was so much longer than a single year. I've lost friends and made new friends, seen and tried new things, and even though overall I felt like I mostly made wrong desicions, I'm still greatful for where it's left me. I feel like I've learned a lot from everything that's happened and found out who and what is actually important to me.
So although I'm done releasing music for the year of 2016, I promise you all that 2017 will be truly special. I have a lot planned for it, and I cannot wait to act upon those plans to make them a reality. I want to deeply thank everyone, both friends, family, and fans alike, who has support this project over the past year since it's initiation. Even if you've just stumbled across my music accidently and didn't really enjoy it, I still thank you for at least listening and giving it a chance.
Here's to another year of SVMMIT,
And may it be better than the last.
I love u. <3